Monday, November 2, 2015


It's Time to be Thankful That We Have Made it this Far!

Important Dates:

Nov. 3rd- Project Due
Nov 11th- End of 2nd- 4 1/2 weeks
Nov. 12th- Local Judge Comes to visit the 3rd Grade
Nov. 16th- Book Project is sent home
Nov. 18th- 3rd and 4th- Thanksgiving Lunch
Nov. 19th- Progress Reports

Be Sure to Ask your child about:

-Their Soil research and writing piece
- How to summarize a story
- What are verbs, helping verbs, irregular verbs
- What are they reading and focusing in their Guided Reading Groups

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Fall is in the Air

Important Dates:

IOWA Testing: Oct.6-Oct.8
End of First Quarter: October 9
SLT Inauguration: October 9
Conference Week: Oct.19-Oct.23

Ask you child about the amazing standards we are learning this month.

Math: Division and area
Social Studies: Branches of Government and Levels of Government
L.A- Verbs, adjectives and Spelling
Writing: Narrative 

Here are a few pictures from our Government Introduction   


This is a new VOLUME SYSTEM in our classroom.

Monday, August 31, 2015


I can't believe we are already in the second month of school. The students are having fun and learning a lot. Take a look!

Students reading on "Glow in the Dark Day"

Taking Data and converting it to a Bar Graph

Reminders for the Month:

Sept. 7th- No School (Labor Day)

Sept. 10th-11th- Grandparent Breakfast 

Sept.12- East Cobber Parade! Come cheer our TOTY and our CEOTY!

Sept.15th- Picture Day!

Sept. 21st-25th- No School (Fall Break)

Skills We are learning this Month:

- Narrative Writing

-  Fossils

- Greece

- Map Skills
- Government
- Multiplication using Arrays